Junior Jyotish Software

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Jagannatha Hora Lite 3.0 freeware, 919Kb, Windows-95/98/NT
A very good and free astrological program for Windows which can calculate up to 19 Varga Charts, Ashtakavarga and 4 types of Dasha.

Junior Jyotish 1.09 freeware, 711Kb,Windows-95/98/NT
http:// www.jyotishtools.com
A good program for the beginners of Astrology, easy to use, Calculates 7 Varga Charts and Vimshottari Dasha.

The link may not work occasionally as the server is some where in Russia (Lakshman)

Haydn's Jyotish 1.04 freeware, 75Kb, DOS
A DOS program for the calculation of Rashi, Navamshaka, Chandra Lagna, Bhava Lagna, Ashtaka Varga and Vimshottari Dashas.

The link may not work occasionally as the server is some where in Russia (Lakshman)

Tithi 3.1 freeware, 63Kb, интерфейс: rus, DOS
Thithi ,Nakshtra, Karana and Surya Sankranthi times are calculated and shown in Russian Language

Cisco peap module windows 10 download. Программа расчитывает лунный календарь согласно принципам ведической астрологии Джйотиш — время начала тридцати лунных суток (титхи), моменты вхождения Луны в лунные созвездия (накшатры), вхождения Луны в знаки звездного зодиака (раши), вхождения Солнца в знаки звездного зодиака (Сурья-санкранти).

Tithi Timer v.01 freeware, 220Kb, Windows, Java 2 RE
A Java program for the calculation of Thithi, from 1st January 2002 to January 2012, you need internal machine Java 2 runtime environment for the proper function of this program

Grah.xls freeware, 242Kb, интерфейс: eng, Windows
Microsoft Excel Work Sheet for the calculation of Ephemeris.

Astaka freeware, 14Kb, интерфейс: rus, DOS
A very simple Program for the calculation of Ashtakavarga (In Russian Language)

https://ameblo.jp/credacacna1982/entry-12633172506.html. Очень простая программа расчета Аштакаварги.

Goravani Jyotish

Matchmaker 3 freeware, 322Kb, : eng, Windows
A program for matching two charts for compatibility

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Junior Jyotish Software Download

What is the full life reading.(Summary)
It is an individually focused well written document. You can not get this reading from any other place. Cost of preparation is 78US$ and the reading contains the following
Starts with describing how do you look like or your physical features, mental tendencies and personality. (around. 4 - 6 pages)
Then the reading will describe the important happenings in your life and will go in to details of the finer points and features. Such as the areas of learning you are good at, your talents, the areas of occupation you can easily be successful, your likes and dislikes, your marriage, your relationship with your family and children and many other details of your life as whole. (around 6-10 pages including charts). Then the reading covers the periods of your life. Your past, present and the future. What happened and when ? And what things will be happening in the future and when ?. How was last 2 years. How is this year ? ( your income and properties, work and employment, family and home life, education and health) What will be happening ( in detail ) for the next 5 to10 years. What are your good times. What are the bad times. How to overcome the bad effects of planets and what are the inexpensive and simple remedies which will bring you good fortune. (around 5 - 7 pages). Finally, the details about Your health, finance, romance and marriage, ideal match, domestic environment, profession, lucky days, lucky numbers, lucky colours and lucky stones (around 1 -2 pages).