User Manual For Sanyo Mts Stero Dbx Tv
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Trick or treat? Stereo TV was unmasked on Halloween in New York City. The company responsible for licensing the North American stereo TV system, dbx, announced that some TV sets sold as stereo are not really stereo.
The Federal Communications Commission approved the Multichannel Television Sound system for broadcasting television stereo sound in 1983. The system, designed by Zenith and dbx, included dbx noise reduction. In addition to stereo, the system contains a Subsidiary Audio Program channel. Many big-city stations use this for bilingual programming. TV stereo broadcasting began in 1984.
dbx started in Massachusetts as a high-tech company specializing in sophisticated noise reduction and other electronic wizardry. /the-beatles-dvd-download-torrent.html. The dbx noise-reduction circuit found its way into some consumer products but never effectively competed with Dolby. Since its founding in the 1970s, dbx has had several changes in ownership. The name was ultimately sold, and a bank holding company now owns the licensing division.
This holding company receives a royalty for every set incorporating MTS stereo. The royalty averages a dime. The MTS electronic circuitry costs $2 to $5 to manufacture, which translates to about $20 to $30 at retail. Download lagu m2m pretty boy versi inggris.
User Manual For Sanyo Mts Stero Dbx Tv Antenna
Initially, all manufacturers producing stereo TVs included MTS stereo circuitry in their sets. But slim profit margins on TVs, especially on lower- priced models, induce manufacturers to cut costs. A couple of years ago, a few companies realized that they could include a non-dbx stereo circuit in some of their TVs to make them cheaper. Only dbx circuitry, however, reproduces true stereo sound. Since the word 'stereo' is often misunderstood and vaguely defined, these manufacturers continued to advertise their sets as stereo.
True stereo requires a minimum of 15 decibels of separation (or difference) between the left and right channels. FM stereo broadcasts average about 25-30 db, and compact discs are capable of better than 80 db. Separation in the midrange frequencies, where human hearing is most sensitive, is critical. Separation in the bass range is far less important, since our hearing perceives little directionality in the low frequencies. In its own specifications for MTS stereo, dbx requires 20 db in the critical area and 15 db throughout most of the remainder of the audible spectrum.
On Halloween, dbx asked Frank Barr, president of Applied Product Evaluation Laboratory, to test several popular brands of TV sets in front of the press. APEL tests products for major publications such as Video Review and has a sterling reputation for competence and ethics.
An RCA set and a GE set, both manufactured by Thomson Consumer Electronics, showed identical results of less than 5 db of separation across the board. A Magnavox set from Philips, which also manufactures Sylvania and Philco TVs, showed virtually no stereo separation in the critical area and about 15 db in the less critical and non-critical areas. Hoverwatch apk download for android. A Sharp TV showed about 5 db of separation in the critical frequency area and about 15 db in the less-critical and non-critical areas. In comparison, tests of comparably priced Sanyo and Zenith sets showed a minimum of 15 db separation from 60 to 13,000 hertz, essentially the full range of the audio spectrum. The Magnavox, RCA and GE sets displayed greatly uneven frequency response curves.
The Sharp, Magnavox and RCA/GE sets contained no dbx circuitry. They are not MTS sets; they are not advertised as MTS but instead as 'stereo.' (Even the companies that do incorporate MTS stereo rarely advertise their sets as such.) Non-MTS sets do receive the MTS signal, but they do not reproduce MTS stereo. By my definition, these sets are not stereo. The Federal Trade Commission should take notice of this.
In the last year, dbx attempted to persuade Philips and Thomson to include dbx circuitry on all of their sets rather than just high-end models. When that failed, dbx went public. The week of the press conference Philips announced that all of its stereo TVs would include MTS by next spring. Sharp advised that its sets would comply by the end of next year.
Thomson took a different tack. Privately, it threatened dbx`s parent holding company with legal action. Publicly, Thomson announced that its stereo TV circuitry had received a patent. Thomson held a press conference immediately after the dbx demonstration to show off its new, patented XS Stereo TVs.
User Manual For Sanyo Mts Stero Dbx Tv Remote
The XS Stereo circuitry does enhance the sound of the TV. However, the sound from XS Stereo is not real stereo. RCA/GE should advertise these sets as 'enhanced sound,' not stereo.
At this time it`s very difficult for the consumer to prove that a genuine dbx circuit is in a TV. Many companies make no mention of it on the TV or in the instruction manual. Most dealers don`t even know what`s inside the set. Major brands such as Sony, Panasonic, Zenith, Sanyo and Toshiba all include genuine dbx MTS stereo. Premium RCA and Magnavox models also include the real thing.
Thomson promises that future promotional literature will indicate which sets use its proprietary XS Stereo. The sets themselves will not indicate whether they use XS or MTS.
User Manual For Sanyo Mts Stero Dbx Tv Parts
Many people may not notice the difference between XS and real MTS, and others simply won`t care. However, the word stereo should not be corrupted. Furthermore, those people who do desire real stereo should receive a treat, not a trick.
User Manual For Sanyo Mts Stero Dbx Tv Mount
Have a question about audio or video equipment? Address it to Rich Warren in care of Friday Audio-Video Section, Chicago Tribune, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611. Questions cannot be answered personally, but those of general interest will be answered in future columns.