Xbe To Exe

  1. Exe To Xbe
  2. Xbe To Exe Command
  3. Iso To Xbe

Here is how you can turn the xbox disk iso into an xbe so it can be read by an emulator. It's simple and runs exactly as it should depending on the emulator!. File Extension conversion from EXE to XBE is the conversion of computer file extensions from Executable File to XBOX Executable File. Furthermore, each computer program handles file extensions in a different manner. APKs are the chocie format for Google Android platform and EXE files are associated with Windows. It is extremely unlikely that some 'one-click' apk to exe converter or apk to exe emulator exist (although you can find dubious apps like apk2exe ) and you should be extra wary of online converters that advertise this as such website might yield.

.XBE File Format 1.1

XBox Executable Documentation by Caustik (caustik@caustik.com)

This document is, afaik, the most precise .XBE documentation out there (other than official Microsoft documentation). The reason for this is the simple fact that I have done a lot of work with this type of file, and I am very familiar with the format. .XBE files are very similar to .EXE, so you won't have much of a problem using them if you have any sort of experience with .EXE files. Well, here we go.
Note: The author of this document is not responsible for anything you do with this information. This information is solely for entertainment purposes, and the author does not condone any illegal goals you may decide to use this information to achieve.

Exe To Xbe

Image Header Certificate Section Header Library Version TLS Logo Bitmap C Source
.XBE Image Header
Field Name Description Size Offset
Magic Number This field must always equal 0x48454258 ('XBEH') 0x0004 0x0000
Digital Signature 256 Bytes. This is where a game is signed. Only on officially signed games is this field worthwhile. 0x0100 0x0004
Base Address Address at which to load this .XBE. Typically this will be 0x00010000. 0x0004 0x0104
Size of Headers Number of bytes that should be reserved for headers. 0x0004 0x0108
Size of Image Number of bytes that should be reserved for this image. 0x0004 0x010C
Size of Image Header Number of bytes that should be reserved for image header. 0x0004 0x0110
TimeDate Time and Date when this image was created. Standard windows format. 0x0004 0x0114
Certificate Address Address to a Certificate structure, after the .XBE is loaded into memory. 0x0004 0x0118
Number of Sections Number of sections contained in this .XBE. 0x0004 0x011C
Section Headers Address Address to an array of SectionHeader structures, after the .XBE is loaded into memory. 0x0004 0x011C
Initialization Flags Various flags for this .XBE file. Known flags are:
MountUtilityDrive = 0x00000001
FormatUtilityDrive = 0x00000002
Limit64Megabytes = 0x00000004
DontSetupHarddisk = 0x00000008
0x0004 0x0124
Entry Point

Address to the Image entry point, after the .XBE is loaded into memory. This is where execution starts.
This value is encoded with an XOR key. Considering this is far too weak to be considered security, I assume this XOR is a clever method for discerning between Debug/Retail .XBE files without adding another field to the .XBE header. The XOR key is dependant on the build:
Debug = 0x94859D4B, Retail = 0xA8FC57AB
To encode an entry point, you simply XOR the real entry point with either Debug or Retail key, depending on if you want the XBox to see this as a Debug or Retail executable.
To decode an entry point, you XOR with the debug key, then check if it is a valid entry point. If it is not, then you try again with the retail key.
Note: The Kernel Image Thunk Address member of this header must also be encoded as described later in this document.

0x0004 0x0128
TLS Address Address to a TLS (Thread Local Storage) structure.
0x0004 0x012C
PE Stack Commit Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x0130
PE Heap Reserve Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x0134
PE Heap Commit Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x0138
PE Base Address Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x013C
PE Size of Image Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x0140
PE Checksum Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x0144
PE TimeDate Copied from the PE file this .XBE was created from.
0x0004 0x0148
Debug PathName Address Address to the debug pathname (i.e. 'D:Nightlybuilds011026.0codebuildxboxReleasesimpsons.exe')
0x0004 0x014C
Debug FileName Address Address to the debug filename (i.e. 'simpsons.exe')
0x0004 0x0150
Debug Unicode FileName Address Address to the debug unicode filename (i.e. L'simpsons.exe')
0x0004 0x0154
Kernel Image Thunk Address

Address to the Kernel Image Thunk Table, after the .XBE is loaded into memory. This is how .XBE files import kernel functions and data.
This value is encoded with an XOR key. Considering this is far too weak to be considered security, I assume this XOR is a clever method for discerning between Debug/Retail .XBE files without adding another field to the .XBE header. The XOR key is dependant on the build:
Debug = 0xEFB1F152, Retail = 0x5B6D40B6
To encode a kernel thunk address, you simply XOR the real address with either Debug or Retail key, depending on if you want the XBox to see this as a Debug or Retail executable.
To decode a kernel thunk address, you XOR with the debug key, then check if it is a valid address. If it is not, then you try again with the retail key.
The Kernel Thunk Table itself is simply an array of pointers to Kernel imports. There are 366 possible imports, and the table is terminated with a zero dword (0x00000000). Typically the values in this table can be generated with the following formula:
KernelThunkTable[v] = ImportThunk + 0x80000000;
so, for example, the import PsCreateSystemThreadEx, which has a thunk value of 255 (0xFF) would be..
KernelThunkTable[v] = 0xFF + 0x80000000; // (0x800000FF)
When the .XBE is loaded by the OS (or the CXBX Emulator), all kernel imports are replaced by a valid function or data type address. In the case of CXBX, the import table entry at which (KernelThunkTable[v] & 0x1FF 0xFF) will be replaced by &cxbx_PsCreateSystemThreadEx (which is a wrapper function).
Note: The Entry Point member of this header must also be encoded as described earlier in this document.

0x0004 0x0158
Non-Kernel Import Directory Address

/mystery-pi-games-free-full-version-download-mac.html. Address to the Non-Kernel Import Directory. It is typically safe to set this to zero.

0x0004 0x015C
Number of Library Versions

Number of Library Versions pointed to by Library Versions Address.

0x0004 0x0160
Library Versions Address

Address to an array of LibraryVersion structures, after the .XBE is loaded into memory.

0x0004 0x0164
Kernel Library Version Address

Address to a LibraryVersion structure, after the .XBE is loaded into memory.

0x0004 0x0168
XAPI Library Version Address

Address to a LibraryVersion structure, after the .XBE is loaded into memory.

0x0004 0x016C
Logo Bitmap Address

Address to the Logo Bitmap (Typically a 'Microsoft' logo). The format of this image is described here. This field can be set to zero, meaning there is no bitmap present.

0x0004 0x0170
Logo Bitmap Size

Size (in bytes) of the Logo Bitmap data. The format of this image is described here.

0x0004 0x0174

.XBE Certificate
Field Name Description Size Offset
Size of Certificate Number of bytes that should be reserved for this certificate.
0x0004 0x0000
TimeDate Time and Date when this certificate was created. Standard windows format. 0x0004 0x0004
Title ID Title ID for this application. This field doesn't appear to matter with unsigned code, so it can be set to zero. 0x0004 0x0008
Title Name Title name for this application (i.e. L'The Simpsons Road Rage'). This buffer contains enough room for 40 Unicode characters. 0x0050 0x000C
Alternate Title IDs Alternate Title IDs (16 4-byte DWORDs) for this certificate. These do not appear to matter with unsigned code (or signed code, for that matter), so they can all be set to zero. 0x0040 0x005C
Allowed Media Allowed media types for this .XBE. The following values are known:
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_X2 0x00000002
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_CD 0x00000004
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_CD 0x00000008
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_5_RO 0x00000010
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_9_RO 0x00000020
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_5_RW 0x00000040
#define XBEIMAGE_MEDIA_TYPE_DVD_9_RW 0x00000080
0x0004 0x009C
Game Region Game region for this .XBE. For example:
#define XBEIMAGE_GAME_REGION_NA 0x00000001
0x0004 0x00A0
Game Ratings Game ratings for this .XBE. It is typically safe to set this to 0xFFFFFFFF. 0x0004 0x00A4
Disk Number Disk Number. Typically zero. 0x0004 0x00A8
Version Certificate Version. 0x0004 0x00AC
LAN Key 16-byte LAN Key. An unsigned .XBE can just zero these out. 0x0010 0x00B0
Signature Key 16-byte Signature Key. An unsigned .XBE can just zero these out. 0x0010 0x00C0
Alternate Signature Keys 16 x 16-byte Signature Keys. An unsigned .XBE can just zero these out. 0x0100 0x00D0

.XBE Section Header
Field Name Description Size Offset
Section Flags Various flags for this .XBE section. Known flags are:
Writable = 0x00000001
Preload = 0x00000002
Executable = 0x00000004
Inserted File = 0x00000008
Head Page Read Only = 0x00000010
Tail Page Read Only = 0x00000020
0x0004 0x0000
Virtual Address Address of memory to load this section at. 0x0004 0x0004
Virtual Size Number of bytes in memory to fill with this section. 0x0004 0x0008
Raw Address File address where this section resides in the .XBE file. 0x0004 0x000C
Raw Size Number of bytes of this section that exist in the .XBE file. 0x0004 0x0010
Section Name Address Address to the name for this section, after the .XBE is loaded into memory. 0x0004 0x0014
Section Name Reference Count It is typically safe to set this to zero. 0x0004 0x0018
Head Shared Page Reference Count Address It is typically safe to set this to point to a 2-byte WORD in memory with value zero. 0x0004 0x001C
Tail Shared Page Reference Count Address It is typically safe to set this to point to a 2-byte WORD in memory with value zero. 0x0004 0x0020
Section Digest 20-byte digest for this section. For unsigned .XBE files, it is safe to set this to zeros. 0x0014 0x0024

.XBE Library Version
Field Name Description Size Offset
Library Name 8-byte name of this library. (i.e. 'XAPILIB') 0x0008 0x0000
Major Version Major version for this library (2-byte WORD). 0x0002 0x0008
Minor Version Minor version for this library (2-byte WORD). 0x0002 0x000A
Build Version Build version for this library (2-byte WORD). 0x0002 0x000C
Library Flags Various flags for this library. The fields are:
QFEVersion = 0x1FFF (13-Bit Mask)
Approved = 0x6000 (02-Bit Mask)
Debug Build = 0x8000 (01-Bit Mask)
To see how these can easily be modified, view the C structs included in this document.
0x0004 0x0124

Xbe To Exe Command

Field Name Description Size Offset
Data Start Address Address, after the .XBE is loaded into memory, of this .XBE's TLS Data. 0x0004 0x0000
Data End Address Address, after the .XBE is loaded into memory, of the end of this XBE's TLS Data. 0x0004 0x0004
TLS Index Address Address, after the .XBE is loaded into memory, of this XBE's TLS Index. 0x0004 0x0008
TLS Callback Address Address, after the .XBE is loaded into memory, of this XBE's TLS Callback. 0x0004 0x000C
Size of Zero Fill Size of Zero Fill 0x0004 0x0010
Characteristics Various TLS characteristics. 0x0004 0x0014

.XBE Logo Bitmap
Encoding Algorithm
Decoding Algorithm

Iso To Xbe

.XBE Structures (From CXBX Source)
C++ Source